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India, Yoga Retreat near Ganges

23. October to 02. November 2023

Connect with yourself


Our yoga retreat in India offers the opportunity to connect with our inner state of peace and balance.

We will practice yoga asana, pranayama, meditation, yoga nidra and karma yoga, chant mantras and

have discussions about yoga philosophy.

We stay where yoga has its origins - in Rishikesh. Anand Lok is located just outside the city and is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas. With its spiritual energy and beauty amidst lush vegetation, Anand Lok is a healing place.


During the retreat, the team lovingly prepares a finely balanced vegetarian diet

and is always there to help and assist us.


The 11 days there will be filled with intensive yoga practice, hikes in nature and getting to know Indian culture, in which rituals are part of life. During the retreat, several hours of silence will be practiced each day. Silence supports the connection to yourself.


On October 21. “Diwali” – the festival of lights – is celebrated throughout India.

We will celebrate "Diwali" together in Anand Lok.

Beginners and advanced practitioners are equally welcome.
We look forward to seeing you!


Participants of this retreat can take part in the SHARE-ity days in Rishikesh from 29.10-1.11.

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